söndag 30 maj 2010

Som om vit fosfor och förolämpningar mot Obamas fredsplan inte räckte

Israel använder vit fosfor och förödmjukar USAs vice president när han ska mäkla fred. Nu säger Israels vice utrikesminister Danny Ayalon att den arabiska knessetledamoten Haneen Zoubi försöker skada Israels anseende genom att åka med på den humanitära konvojen, som försöker bryta blockaden. Och så påstår Israel att det förekommer antisemitiska ramsor på konvojen.

"This amply demonstrates that many are not against a particular policy of the Israeli government, but have very real and dangerous hatred for Jews and the Jewish State," säger vice utrikesminister Danny Ayalon.

That's right, Danny. White phosphorus and insulting Obama's peace effort is fine. Dorky hats and silly customs, now THAT really gets us going!

DN: Israel kallar konvojen ”en armada av hat”

Jerusalem Post: Flotilla delayed by glitches again
One of the highest profile figures on the ships is Balad MK Haneen Zoabi, who said she was proud to do her part to end what she called a siege on Gaza. Right-wing MKs called for Zoabi’s arrest and ouster from the Knesset.

“Zoabi is working together with Israel’s enemies to encourage terrorism and harm Israel’s image internationally, and these acts constitute treason,” Likud MK Danny Danon wrote to Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein in his request for him to order Zoabi’s arrest upon her arrival in Israel.

The Israeli military used white phosphorus munitions in the Gaza War.[22] The IDF repeatedly denied using white phosphorus munitions but acknowledged use after the war ended.

Haaretz: When Israelis degrade Israel by humiliating Joe Biden
There are ostensible super-patriots who revel in shots across the bow of the American ship of state.

Why would Israeli officials degrade Israel by humiliating the vice-president of the United States?

What conceivable advantage is there in the Interior Ministry choosing the occasion of a high-profile visit by Joseph R. Biden, Jr., a mission aimed at soothing strained relations between Israel and the Obama administration, to announce the approval of 1,600 new homes for Israelis in East Jerusalem?

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